Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Animation - A Primer

I like animation, but it goes a bit deeper than that. I dislike general human interaction. Perhaps it's a product of a high-functioning autism spectrum type thing. I feel uncomfortable dealing with live humans expressing emotions as I'm unable to interpret them properly in real time. Given time I can study them and it isn't quite as disturbing to me, but I don't have the luxury in the 18 minutes of a tv show.

Animation is like stage theater. Every expression needs to be large; every non-verbal cue needs to be expansive otherwise people can't see you in the back rows. Animation has a clear advantage in that realm as you can just draw the eyes twice as big or put a giant tear drop on someone's forehead as we see in Anime. Warner favored the jaw dropping (literal), double taking and eye popping back in the old war bonds days.

Animation is also generally aimed at children. It avoids themes I'm uncomfortable with (intimacy) and/or find stupid. (pothead/drunk jokes) Additionally, it's usually comedic.

This is an introduction which will lead into a much more involved post about specific animated series and eventually the nature of, need for and implementation of Sincerity in modern media.

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